Technological University of Tajikistan (TUT) prepares high qualified specialists in the areas of Information and Communication Technologies, Food and Light Industrial Technologies, Management, Economics and Design. TUT has 9 faculties and 23 graduation departments, students are prepared in 39 fields of study. Presently, 6000 students are enrolled in TUT based in three-cycled education (Bachelor, Master, and PhD).

In 2005 TUT was selected by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan as a pilot university on introduction of Bolognese credit education system. Therefore, taking into account the complete introduction of the system and based on achieved positive results, Ministry of Education and Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan recommended other HEIs in the country to launch credit education.

TUT has signed cooperation agreements with more than 78 foreign HEIs. In the frame of the established cooperation there is being carried out a number of scientific-research works, are made students and teachers’ exchanges with the purpose of internships and participation in various mobility, symposiums and conferences. In regards to participation in the TEMPUS Program, TUT since 2008 actively has been participating in the implementation of several TEMPUS and Erasmus+ projects of European Commission.

The university participates in the implementation of the project as a beneficiary and operates according to the distribution of project tasks through close cooperation with European partners based on the work plan. Beneficiaries gather the necessary experience by participating in planned events and professional seminars and trainings by learning modern and advanced methods and methods, as well as studying the best practices of European universities. Also, in order to gain the necessary experience, the beneficiaries can share their experience through the use of consultative methods, through the creation of an electronic portal for the exchange of work information and the collection of documents to be developed. At the same time, the organization of special seminars between the beneficiaries on the exchange of opinions in the direction of considering the project issues will be a good means of exchange and cooperation between the beneficiaries.

Technological University of Tajikistan will contribute to the project through the implementation of a special Work Package for the development of an electronic platform and its implementation at the regional level for all project partners. For this, the university has adequate resources, especially human resources, which have honed their professional skills and project-based skills as a result of the implementation of more than 16 Erasmus+ projects.

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